Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Satwika Subtype

Satwika individuals are usually noble and spiritual in character, their nature determined as much by body type as their star constellation, having an element of kapha in their constitution.


Free from passion, anger, greed, ignorance or jealousy, possessing knowledge and the power of discrimination.


Excellent memory, purity, love and self -control, excellent intellectual frame of mind, free from pride, ego, ignorance, greed or anger. Possessing the power of understanding and retention.


Devotion to sacred books, study rituals and oblations. Devotion to virtuous acts, far- sightedness and courage. Authoritative behaviour and speech. Able to perform sacred rituals.


Free from mean and conflicting desires and acts. Having initiative, excellent memory and leadership. Free from emotional binds, hatred, ignorance and envy. The capacity for timely action.


Free from mean acts. Exhibition of emotion in proper place. Observance of religious rights.


Courage, patience, and hatred of impure thoughts. Liking for virtuous acts and purity. Pleasure in recreation.


Possession of wealth, attendants and luxuries. Expertise in poetry, stories and epics. Fondness for dancing singing and music. Takes pleasure in perfumes, garlands and flowers. Full of passion.


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